Sunday, September 12, 2010


On July 12, 2000 the Rio de Janeiro police trapped a man who was trying to rob a bus. He took eleven hostages, and the local SWAT team was called.
This incident became known in Brazil as the BUS 174 affair.

According to the official records Geisa was shot four times: one in the face by the police officer and three in the back by Sandro.
The officers who took Sandro into the police van were charged for murder and considered not guilty by a popular jury. They still work for the Rio de Janeiro police.


据说,这条新闻当时成为巴西各大媒体的头版头条,电视台现场直播了Sandro的劫持活动以及警察解救人质的过程。但是,却没有一家进行调查了解Sandro劫持公交车的动机。于是,在“BUS 174事件”发生两年后,导演Jos Padilha与Felipe Lacerda完成了这部Ônibus 174,回放了孤儿Sandro二十多年的不幸人生,探寻这个震惊全国的劫持事件背后的根本原因,从而真实呈现巴西街头少年所面临的暴力压迫。

Sandro从未见过父亲,6岁时亲眼目睹母亲在眼前被谋杀,自此流离失所,成为街头少年。生长在贫民窟,未学过读和写,与其他同样无家可归的孩子作伴,可卡因上瘾。15岁时,亲历Candelaria church massacre再次目睹自己的同伴被警察杀害。


影 片的最后,屏幕上出现一张全家福。然后Sandro的阿姨说,“I really wanted to bury my nephew. But what would happen if I said I was Sandro's aunt? They would come after me, at my house, at my work...There would be lots of reporters. I didn't want that." "I dressed him in a white shirt. And I told him, 'this is not what you wanted. Your dream was to work and raise a family. But you took the wrong path. This isn't what I wanted for you." "But Jesus will forgive you. God bless you. Rest in peace."

Jesus will forgive you. Jesus will forgive everyone. 然而在这个“上帝之城”里,却依然只有无穷无尽的以暴治暴。